CMP Aljimm is part of the CMP Group of Companies and fabricates the group’s patented technologies for the milling industry. CMP specializes in custom designed milling plant technologies to help clients achieve plant performance goals and optimize plant efficiency. We are continuously improving our technologies, paving the way for coal fired power stations to achieve clean and efficient combustion.
The Ultra High-Performance Static Classifier is a CMP Southwestern patented technology that improves the throughput to the boilers while maintaining particle fineness. Roping effects are reduced while improving the distribution of primary air, pulverized fuel mass flow and particle size distribution between the burners. Benefits include increased boiler efficiency, uniform heat distribution in the boiler and the ability to effectively stage combustion for emission control.
The Arnot Ultra High-Performance Static Classifier has been operating successfully since 2007. CMP has increased the mill throughput from 32 Metric TPH to 38.5 Metric TPH. The classifier was refurbished into the latest product revision in record time with modifications that will further alleviate wear and improve flow conditions.
CMP aims to deliver great quality products and to achieve excellent customer satisfaction.
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